health and wellness

Inner Balance is a holistic wellness business owned and operatedby Jane Weatherspoon. She uses reiki and various other massage techniques to help release stuck energy and emotions from the body, empowering clients to bring balance back into their lives. Jane works intuitively with clients to create the best outcome for their highest good, providing support and a judgment-free space to unlock their potential.


Book one of our treatments and find your pathway to wellness.


 I received an Access Bars session with Jane on Monday. Today Thursday my head feels lighter, thought processes calmer, I am remembering and have been productive in my actions. Thank you Jane, for your professionalism, honesty and care. Xx


Jane is a fantastic healer therapist and masseur. Do your well-being happiness and self care a favour and pay her a visit. My absolute favourite is Hot rock massage and Reiki.

Blessings Jane you are the best.


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